The Football Monologues

The Football Monologues are for two kinds of women. First are the girlfriends, wives, sisters, and mothers who know nothing about football but have to hear about it because their men are completely addicted. Next are the women who love football and are looking to connect with other cool women around the globe to discuss the players, the games, and the sport in general. STAY TUNED for bigger and better things because is coming soon!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Corny- Yet Slightly Entertaining

Q: Why did the football coach go to the bank?
A: To get his Quarter back.

Q: Why are football stadiums always cool?
A: Because they're full of fans.

Q: Why is the Oakland Raiders football team like a possum?
A: Because they play dead at home and get killed on the road.


  • At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OK I take that last one as a personal attack! No need to rub it in!!

    (but I have to admit, that is kinda funny)


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