The Football Monologues

The Football Monologues are for two kinds of women. First are the girlfriends, wives, sisters, and mothers who know nothing about football but have to hear about it because their men are completely addicted. Next are the women who love football and are looking to connect with other cool women around the globe to discuss the players, the games, and the sport in general. STAY TUNED for bigger and better things because is coming soon!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Think Michael and Ulli could've designed a better NFL referee uniform than this?? Gone are the traditional vertical black-and-white stripes that have been a staple of the league seemingly since its inception and that live on in Foot Locker stores and DJ booths around the country. In their place is a flashier look that features wide white stripes and thin black stripes that flare around the shoulders and upper arms.

Before you decide whether or not you are a fan of the new look here is the "why" behind the change:

  • lightweight, more efficient fabric that would be cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather

  • the uniforms more easily accommodate the gear referees need to carry, which includes more layers of clothing in colder weather

  • The third reason was to give the uniforms a more modern, updated, distinctly NFL look

What would Michael Kors and Nina Garcia think??


  • At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm sorry but whoever designed those would NOT be going to fashion week!


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