The Football Monologues

The Football Monologues are for two kinds of women. First are the girlfriends, wives, sisters, and mothers who know nothing about football but have to hear about it because their men are completely addicted. Next are the women who love football and are looking to connect with other cool women around the globe to discuss the players, the games, and the sport in general. STAY TUNED for bigger and better things because is coming soon!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Eagles fumbled twice in the first half making Westbrook more and more valuable by the day. Luckily McNabb stepped up and had his first game with two running TD’s.

San Francisco suffered their biggest shutout in 49ers history while Tony Gonzalez extended his streak of games with at least one reception to 87... 4th longest streak among tight ends in NFL history.

There were 3 TD’s in the final 2 minutes and 34 seconds of the Indianapolis game. Can you believe the Jets could have won that game if it weren’t for a last minute fumble??

Arizona’s only score against Atlanta came on Adrian Wilson's team-record 99-yard interception return. Needless to say, Matt Leinhart will be starting next week for the Cardinals instead of oldie Kurt Warner.

Baltimore is still undefeated after they shut down Tomlinson and the San Diego Chargers.

Carolina won by the skin of their teeth and it was the third time in the past 10 years that New Orleans started out 3-0 but lost game No. 4.

Laurence Maroney made quite the appearance for New England in Cincinnati with two TD’s and the win.

I have no idea how this happened, but Washington beat Jacksonville. Must’ve been Santana Moss’s 3 TD’s that finally gave the Jaguars their first loss.


  • At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for not even mentioning the Raiders. I think the team has packed up and are now waiting for the 2007 season to begin....well, i'm sure most of their fans are anyway!

  • At 10:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I thought they had a solid chance this week... wha happened?

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Dan said…

    They were only able to score on big plays or a short field. Their offense is incapable of sustaining a drive. They have QB who might be good one day, but they need to give him time to develop, which is difficult to do when you have no time to throw. That's what happened.

    As a lifelong Raiders fan, this is pretty painful. I maintain hope that we can beat the 49ers and pick up at least one win this season.

    Let me be the first to welcome #1 draft pick Brady Quinn to the Oakland Raiders.

  • At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You summed up the week without mentioning a clash of unbeaten teams. A clash that was won, shall we say dominated, by the now only unbeaten team in the NFC, a certain team from Chicago known as, DA BEARS!


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