The Football Monologues

The Football Monologues are for two kinds of women. First are the girlfriends, wives, sisters, and mothers who know nothing about football but have to hear about it because their men are completely addicted. Next are the women who love football and are looking to connect with other cool women around the globe to discuss the players, the games, and the sport in general. STAY TUNED for bigger and better things because is coming soon!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The Center- a key position on the offensive line

My grandmother requested that I post this picture above to indicate which position I am talking about. The center is the red dot. He squats over the ball and when the quarterback gives him the signal, he whips it up and holds it out between his legs just under his behind for the quarterback to grab. Talk about an awkward moment!

Actually, this guy does a heck of a lot more than that. He is the first line of defense for the quarterback. Theoretically, all a defender needs to do is leap-frog the center to be down the throat of the quarterback. This would be a bad thing. You never see this done, because these guys at center wouldn't be those guys at center if they were slow and wimpy enough to let that happen.

These guys are tough - think about it. There you are, squatting on the field, knowing the minute you shove that ball out of your behind, a 300-pound gorilla is going to come pounding in from a foot away with the intention of making a pancake out of you.

I wouldn't take the job!!


  • At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! That was a great PIC and I loved the description of the center. I'm finally learning the nuances of football thanks to you. By the way, we really agree with what the deli man said last night!


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